Perform the following actions via the PAN-OS CLI:
Create Users
Assign Roles
Change Passwords
Palo Alto Firewall.
Creating/Adding Users
Log in to the CLI
Go into configure mode:
> configure
Create/Add a management user and assign a password
# set mgt-config users <name> password Note: If the <name> does not exist, then the user will be created.
Set the role for the specified user# set mgt-config users <name> permissions role-based <role profile> custom deviceadmin devicereader superreader superuser
Commit and then exit the configuration mode.# commit # exit
To Change the password for a user
Go into configure mode:
> configure
Enter the new password that will override the existing one:
# set mgt-config users admin password
Commit and exit the configuration mode.
# commit # exit